
Tax Filing

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Tax Filling

Preparing & adding tax, tax reports and managing tax in Splendid Accounts

Tax Rates

Add tax amount on transactions


  • Add the tax amount in the transactions like invoices, receive money, vendor payments, etc.
  • To add a tax amount, select the tax rate from the tax column.
  • Add tax in new transactions and already created transactions.


  • Add a transaction’s tax amount when the amount needs to be modified.
  • Our system calculates tax on a line item, you can also apply tax on an overall transaction as well.
  • Transactions you can add a taxon:
    • Quotations & Orders
    • Invoices
    • Refunds
    • Vendor Payments
    • Receive money transactions
    • Manual journals
    • Expenses
  • You can add the tax amount on new transactions, and any existing transactions which do not have any payments or allocations applied.
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