

You can easily handle any purchase transaction in online accounting software and inventory management solution like orders, goods receiving notes, invoices, returns, debit notes and make payment.


Create purchase order & send it to your supplier to buy goods or services with delivery dates and prices.

Good Receiving

Record goods receiving notes sent by your supplier to keep your inventory updated and available for sale.

Purchase Invoice

Record purchase invoice and setup due dates for vendor payments, record all taxes and discounts on the invoice.

Purchase Return

Record your purchases returned to the supplier and keep your inventory and payables updated automatically.

Vendor Refund

Creates refunds for vendor either unallocated or allocated with any invoice, return or payment.

Make Payment

Make payment to vendors via bank or cash to settle down purchase invoices and keep your payables updated.


Aged Account Payable Report

List of unpaid/unsettled vendor invoices by vendor category.

Vendor Ledger

The report displays a listing of all transactions for the selected vendors, within a specified date range.

Vendor Balances Report

List of balances of all the Vendor by Vendor categories.

Purchase Invoice Report

Show all the purchases of your business against the vendor.

Vendor Payment Report

Shows all the payment made either allocated or unallocated with any purchase invoice, filtered by the vendor within a specific date range.

Vendor Refund Report

Shows all the refunds by vendor either unallocated or allocated with any invoice, return or payment filtered by a specific date range.

Product Purchases Report

Provides a list of all goods’ purchase according to the products category and displaying the average cost of the product also.

Good Receiving Report

This report provides information about all the products that have been received to a location within a specified date range from vendors.

Purchase Return Report

The detail of purchase return products/services associated with that return within the date range.

Purchase Invoice Detail Report

The detailed Summary of all invoices of the products/services associated with that invoice.

Purchase Order Detail Report

The detailed Summary Orders of the products/services associated with that order.

Purchase Order Report

The reports show all the purchase orders of your business for the selected period of all or a selected vendor.