Are you managing sales on cash or credit? No problem at all! With the Splendid Accounts Sales Management System, you can handle all types of sale transactions with ease. Whether it’s cash payments, credit sales, or mixed transactions, our system is designed to accommodate every scenario.
Not only does it compute and organize your sales data, but it also provides detailed insights to help you make smarter business decisions. Say goodbye to manual errors and hello to efficiency with Splendid Accounts—your ultimate solution for seamless sales management!

Create & share quotations via email with customers or prospects in a minute to increase your sales.

Never miss your delivery dates anymore, it helps you to control your orders and deliveries easily.

Delivering the goods at the right time is a key factor in success of a business.

Creating a beautiful and professional-looking invoice is easy in Splendid Accounts.

Sales Return
Accepts customer sales return and keep your inventory and receivables updated.

Customer Refund
Adds refund against any customer either unallocated or allocated with any invoice.

Receive Money
Accepts cash, cheque, direct deposit & bank drafts from customers to settle the invoices.

Sales Tax Ready
Don’t worry about your sales tax calculations, our accounting software will do this for you.

Product Wise Profit Report
Provides the profit on sold products in a specified date range.

Aged Account Receivable Report
List of unpaid/unsettled customer invoices by customer category.

Customer Ledger
Report displays a listing of all transactions for selected customer, within a specified date range.

Customer Balances Report
List of balances of all the customers by customer category.

Sale Invoice Report

Receive Money Report
Shows all the received money either allocated or unallocated with any invoice filtered by customers by a specific date range.

Customer Refund Report
Shows all the refunds by the customer either unallocated or allocated with any invoice, return or payment filtered by a specific date range.

Product Sales Report
Product sales report provides a list of all goods sold according to the products category wise displaying the average cost of the product also.

Sale Delivery Report
Provides the detailed List of sale delivery with the number of products need to transfer and a quick action to create transfer orders.

Sale Return Report
Provides the detail of sale return products/services associated with that return within the date range.

Sale Return Detail Report
This report gives the detailed sales return of the products/services associated with that return.

Sale Invoice Detail Report
The detailed Summary of all invoices of the products/services associated with that invoice.

Product Sale Customer Wise Report
This report provides the past history of the sales associated with the product to customers in a specified date range.

Sale Order Detail Report
This report gives the detailed sales Orders of the products/services associated with that order within the date range.

Sale Order Report
The order Summary report provide the list of all orders in the time period you select and can help you analyze the performance of your pre-order booking.