
Sale Return

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Sale Return

Create a Return​


If you’re adding or editing the return, here’s some guidance on entering information into the fields.

  1. In the Sales menu, select return.
  2. Click “+Add Sale return
  3. Enter the name of the customer you’re creating the return If you use multi-currency, you can enter your return in the currency of the customer.
  4. If the customer is not existing in the system you can directly add the customer right from the current screen by just writing the customer name and click enter, a form will be open for the additional customer you can save it and make a further transaction.
  5. Click Type to search product and select the product, if it is not existing then you can enter the product directly the same as the customer name. Type the description of the product, then add the Quantity and Price.
  6. You can add a line item discount and multiple taxes in a single product as per your needs.
  7. You can also add Shipping Charges directly in the return at the bottom right corner which will record as shipping charges expense.
  8. Click Save and Continue Edit to save the return as a draft, or click Save and Approve to approve or click Save and Pending to mark the return as pending and enter a new return or click Save and New to record a new return and save the previous one or click Save and Close to close the return and save the return in draft status.

Create a Return

Header Fields:

    • Customer: Enter the name of the customer you would like to sell your products to. If you enter a name that’s not already a contact, Splendid Account adds it to your Customer list.
    • Date: This is set as default to the current date. You can change this also.
    • Number: Use Splendid Accounts default numbering sequence or you can add your number sequence by clicking on number code and then a “+ “sign
    • Reference: Choose a reference to suit your company. Later, you may want to search for your return using your chosen reference.
    • Master Group: This field appears only if you have enabled Groups. Groups let you customize the return in many ways.
    • Currency: If you have a Business Edition plan with multi-currency, you can select a foreign currency customer that you’ve already added, you can edit the exchange rate if required. If you entered a default currency customer, it automatically displays.
    • Exchange Rate: This field will display if you select a customer of such currency that is different from your company’s currency so that you have to provide an exchange rate for the particular customer.
    • Order Booker: This field appears only if you have enabled. Let your customer know which order booker will go and collect the order. You can add multiple order bookers under the Sales Person menu.
    • Sales Man: This field appears only if you have enabled. This will display a list of all the salesmen you have entered into the system.
    • Delivery Person: This field appears only if you have enabled. Select the delivery person of your choice for a particular customer, also you can choose based on areas.
    • Add Quick/Scan Product: You can also Scan your multiple products directly from the Barcode scanner or enter a product name or Product number through the Add Quick product box.

Add Quick/Scan Product

Line Item Fields:

  • Product: Select products if you have inventory products set up for your organization. Inventory products speed up data entry by automatically filling in the product field with information you’ve saved against your inventory products.
    If you enter a product that’s not already in inventory, Splendid Account adds it to your inventory.
  • Product Description: Enter text as you’d like to describe the products. You can include description lines in your product’s short description that will automatically display at line item.
  • Warehouse: Select the warehouse in which the inventory will be managed. The default warehouse will be displayed in return form if you set the warehouse as default in the warehouse section. If there is only one warehouse, no dropdown will be available as all the inventory will be managed in that warehouse.
  • Quantity: Enter the quantity number of products you want to return.
  • Price: Splendid Accounts display the default product price that you have set in the product form or also you can enter your price.
  • Last Sale Price: This will display if you click in the price field, representing the last selling price of the product.
  • Discount: Splendid Accounts has 3 different types of line item discount i.e.
    (1. Discount% 2. Discount in Amount 3. Discounted price per unit) you can enter your discount as per supplier agreement.
  • Tax: Splendid Account has an option to add multiple Tax on products. If you have set up the product tax in product form default tax will be display. Or you can add additional tax into it.
  • Detail Group A: This field appears only if you have enabled Groups. Groups let you customize the return in many ways.
  • Detail Group B: This field appears only if you have enabled Groups. Groups let you customize the return in many ways.
  • Amount: This is the calculated amount customer should receive against a product.
  • Consignment: Add a consignment number to record from against which consignment has been returned. The consignment will display if you have enabled tracking the consignment from company settings.

Allocate Customer Refund from Sale Return

You can allocate the refund amount right from the screen of sale return by using a cash account dropdown at the bottom of the page.
Allocate Customer Refund from Sale Return

Add settlements

You can directly settle the refunds, invoices of a customer automatically at Sale Return.
Add settlements

Product Costing in Sale after discount​

Splendid Accounts have a feature for its users to record discount amount as purchase or sale price by default by enabling the option available under company settings, however, it will work separately as price amount and the discount amount will be recorded discretely.
Product Costing in Purchase/ Sale after discount

Net Amount modification, product price will manage automatically ​

Likewise, other accounting software, Splendid Accounts is now giving a new feature to auto calculate the product price based on the net amount. Tax will calculate according to the net amount but if the discount on line item is given before, a user has to re-enter the discount again for the particular product.
Net Amount modification, product price will manage automatically

Description and narration at the advance filter

Two new filters have been added at all screens were available for the product description and narration of the document in the advance filters option.
Description and narration at the advance filter

A4 and A5 paper size available in Sale Return Custom template

Sale Return Custom template

Settlement enhancement

A checkbox has been added to display settlements at Sale return custom template.

Font Size selection at Custom Templates

A new feature has been introduced at custom templates so that user can select a font size for all custom templates.

Border Strip option in custom templates

A new feature has been introduced at custom templates to display alternate shades in the detail section of the document.

Editable label at custom templates

Splendid Accounts enhanced its custom templates specific labels (Document information, detail section, footer section) to be editable, you can rename the labels according to your business terminologies.

Copy comments for Sale Return

Splendid accounts is now offering an option under company settings to copy comments from sale quotation to sale order, sale order to sale invoice and onwards. Copy comments for Sale Module

Displaying break up of all taxes in overall tax amount

Tax amount that has been added in line item is displayed separately in overall amount. You can see this on every screen where tax is applied on amount in line item. Displaying break up of all taxes in overall tax amount

Credit Limit and Outstanding balance

System displays credit limit amount of customer below outstanding balance of that customer. Customer’s Address

Option to display 0 batch products in company settings

There is an option in company settings to display 0 batch product or not, in making transactions. If this checkbox is checked then system will display batches with 0 inventories and if this checkbox in unchecked then only those batches will be displayed which are in stock. Option to display 0 batch products in company settings  style=

Options to either update price or quantity of product

When a new product is created, there are two options available under the heading of “Do you sell or purchase in fractional units”. These options have following functionality;
  1. Change price when amount update When this checkbox is checked, it will update the price when the amount is changed.
  2. Change quantity when amount update When this checkbox is checked, it will update the quantity of product when amount is changed.
Options to either update price or quantity of product
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