
Multiple User Roles and their rights

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Multiple User Roles and their rights​

Splendid accounts are having the following 12 different roles having different rights.

  • Store Manager

This user has all the rights to create Sales Delivery and Goods Receiving Note, can add, edit, delete, revise, and approve the transactions, and manages the inventory also.

  • Store Assistant

This user has the limited rights in Sales Delivery and Goods Receiving Note, can add and edit transactions in draft’s mode only and forward it to his manager for approval.

  • Sales Manager

This user has all the rights in the sales section, he can add, edit, delete, revise, and approve all the transactions.

  • Sales Assistant

This user has the limited rights in sales section to add and edit transactions in draft mode only and forward it to his manager for approval. He can view limited reports also.

  • Purchase Manager

This user has all the rights in the purchase section, he can add, edit, delete, revise, and approve all the transactions.

  • Purchase Assistant

This user has the limited rights in the purchase section to add and edit transactions in draft mode only and forward it to his manager for approval. He can view limited reports also.

  • Accounts Manager

This user has all the rights in the accounts section, he can add, edit, delete, revise, and approve all the transactions.

  • Accounts Assistant

This user has the limited rights in accounts section to add and edit transactions in draft mode only and forward it to his manager for approval. He can view limited reports also.

  • Pos Manager

This user has all the rights in POS, can add terminal and record transactions.

  • Pos Assistant

This user has limited rights in the POS section.

  • Report Viewer

This user is only applicable to view the dashboard and reports of the system.

  • Company Admin

This user has all the rights to manage the complete system.

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