
Security and Updates

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Security and Updates

Demo Company

A demo company has been created for Splendid Accounts’ users which helps them to understand the system well. You can use the demo company with your trial version as well with the license subscription. Demo company lets you try out all features without setting up your organization or entering your data. If you are a new user, then the system will display Demo Company if using the trial version.

Show/hide Demo Company

You can hide the demo company by just clicking the button in the header menu.
Show/hide Demo Company

Also, you can hide the demo company from the Profile settings.
Show/hide Demo Company

Toggle button is available to show or hide the demo company at profile page.

Show/hide Demo Company

Backup your Data

Splendid Accounts offers a feature to back up your company data daily once in a day on license subscription. A zip file will be download to your computer having all the transaction data.

Backup your Data

System Requirement

Your internet connection and Splendid Accounts

Splendid Accounts works with fully available internet on
your computer. If the system seems to be not working due to unavailability of
internet then the system will intimate you displaying connection interruption

System Requirement

Shortcut for transactions

Splendid Accounts is having a shortcut menu for entering sales and purchases transactions directly from Create menu.Shortcut for transactions

Splendid accounts updates

Splendid accounts let its users know every update about the system it releases in What’s New navigation.

Splendid accounts updates

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